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Table 2 Factor loadings for the compassion from others scales

From: The development of compassionate engagement and action scales for self and others


UK sample

Compassion from others – Engagement – Scale items

Factor 1

 6. Others reflect on and make sense of my feelings of distress.


 2. Others notice and are sensitive to my distressed feelings when they arise in me.


 4. Others are emotionally moved by my distressed feelings.


 5. Others tolerate my various feelings that are part of my distress.


 1. Other people are actively motivated to engage and work with my distress when it arises.


 8. Others are accepting, non-critical and non-judgemental of my feelings of distress.




Cronbach’s alpha


Compassion from others – Actions – Scale items


 2.2. Others think about and come up with helpful ways for me to cope with my distress.


 2.1. Others direct their attention to what is likely to be helpful to me.


 2.4. Others take the actions and do the things that will be helpful to me.


 2.5. Others treat me with feelings of support, helpfulness and encouragement.




Cronbach’s alpha
